The Tale of Coats

Genesis 41:41-42 KJV
And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt. And Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand, and put it upon Joseph's hand, and arrayed him in vestures of fine linen, and put a gold chain about his neck;

In the words of Judy Kay, “Joseph had a coat problem.”

To start, Joseph’s father, Jacob, gave him a coat of many colors that further increased the hatred his brothers already had against him for being their father’s favorite. When the brothers sold Joseph into slavery, they dipped that coat in goat’s blood and told their father Joseph died.

When Joseph arrived in Egypt as a slave, he worked for a man named Potiphar. The problem here was Potiphar’s wife. She decided she wanted Joseph for a lover and when he turned her down, she kept his coat and accused him of attempted rape. This transaction landed him in prison.

After many years, Joseph met two servants of Pharaoh in the prison and interpreted their dreams. Joseph asked the servant who was to be returned to his post to remember him, but he did not - until Pharaoh needed a dream interpreter too.

With God’s assistance, Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dream, gave him wise counsel, and gave God all the glory. For this Pharaoh made him the 2nd in command of Egypt and placed the royal garments (or coats) upon him (Gen. 41:42).

The moral of these three coats: men may lie, deceive, and cheat us, but when we are faithful to God, he will raise us up from the darkest pits and make us rulers over many (Matt. 25:23).

Corresponding Sermon: Judy Kay VanHoy 4/3/22 AM

Amy Smalley



