Clean Out Your Shoes

Matthew 11:30 KJV
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

My family goes for walks on a fairly regular basis. Our neighborhood streets often have tiny rocks on them, especially at the corners. Now Abbi is to the point where she is miss independent and wants to walk by herself rather than being pushed in the stroller. There’s just one problem with that - she’s slow!

I like to walk fast, but that’s not a reality on the days Abbi chooses to walk. On top of that, she chooses shoes that aren’t the best for walking and *constantly* gets rocks in her shoes, so then, we have to go even slower as she takes the time to periodically empty her shoes.

I don’t blame her for tossing out the rocks because they’re uncomfortable to walk on, but you know the sad truth: I often choose shoes to walk in that make no sense either, and I also get rocks under my feet. The difference? I’ll keep walking with the rocks rather than take the time to dump them out.

My feet are older and harder, and the rocks don’t bother me as much as they do Abbi. If we’re not careful, it can be the same for us spiritually.

Babes in Christ are more sensitive to the rocks that get under their feet, and they’re careful to remove them. Us seasoned veterans of the faith see those rocks as insignificant. The sad part is we don’t see the callouses growing on our feet as a result of ignoring the problem.

Jesus told us to make it to heaven we have to be like a little child (Mark 10:15), so don’t leave the rocks in your shoes. Dump them out now before they get you hardened and calloused.

Corresponding Sermon: Brian Fulton 6/5/22 PM

Amy Smalley



