When We Fail…

1 Samuel 8:1,3 KJV
[1] And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, that he made his sons judges over Israel. [3] And his sons walked not in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment.

No child of God is perfect. Samuel placed his sons in his office when they were not fit for ministry. David served the Philistines, committed adultery, and ordered the killing of a faithful servant. Both of these men were mighty men of God.

Failure is common to man. The key is how we respond. Do we repent of our sins and accept the consequences of our actions as David did (2 Sam. 12:20)? Or do we allow the failure to harden our heart and further our separation from the Lord as Saul did (1 Sam 31:4).

Never let your failure keep you from our forgiving and merciful Heavenly Father.

Corresponding Sermon: Judy Kaye VanHoy 8/28/22 AM

Samuel’s disobedience vs David’s obedience

Amy Smalley



