Where is Your Faith?

Everyone has faith: the atheist believes there is no god, the sinner believes he can succeed in his job, the backslider believes he has failed. The problem is not a lack of faith, but a lack of faith in the right object.

Sinners and saints alike place their faith in things that may help them succeed in this life - their abilities, their bodies, their intelligence, but one day all these things will pass away. What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his soul (Matt. 16:26)?

As Christians, we must anchor our faith in Jesus - in his payment for our sins on the cross. When we get our eyes on anything other than Jesus, we lose the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. God cannot honor faith in anything but His Son; therefore, he cannot allow the Holy Spirit to help us if we have misplaced faith.

To allow the Holy Spirit to give us the power we need to live this Christian life, we must keep our faith always in Jesus and the price He paid on Calvary. Glory to God for His provision!

Corresponding Sermon: Nathan Smalley 7/4/21 AM

Amy Smalley



