Faith and Disobedience

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15b)

The book of Joshua teaches us two main lessons: faith and obedience.

When they spied out the promise land, it was faith that helped Joshua and Caleb believe in God’s ability to see them through. Faith is God’s currency, and he always rewards it.

The spies without faith died without stepping foot in the promise land. Joshua and Caleb, however, not only stepped inside; God gave them supernatural strength to fight alongside the younger men when they were well into their eighties.

God not only rewards faith, but he punishes disobedience. When Achan hid the idols from Ai in the camp, God’s judgment was kindled.

Until Achan’s sin was brought to light and punished, the children of Israel could have no victory. What does this teach us? Our personal sin has effects on others.

If we have unconfessed sin in our lives, we can hinder our own lives as well as the lives of our family, church, and community.

Confess your sins (1 John 1:9), seek God’s paths (Proverbs 3:6), and live a life of faith (Galatians 2:20); so he can bless you and not punish you!

Corresponding Sermon: Jeff Haywood 5/2/21 AM

Amy Smalley



