When Jesus Passes By...

Jesus passed by many people in his life and ministry here on Earth, and the reactions to Him then were as varied as they are today.

Some who saw Jesus accused him of using the power of Satan to do his miracles (Mk. 3:22), but others rightly called him “Son of David” (Luke 18:38) or “Lord” (Mk. 7:28).

On Palm Sunday the crowds shouted “Hosanna in the highest” (Matt. 21:9), but just a few days later they shouted “crucify him” (Matt. 27:22).

Even the disciples after his resurrection had mixed reactions. Some doubted - like Thomas (John 20:24-29), some worshipped - like Mary (Matt. 28:9) and some didn’t realize in who’s presence they were - like the men on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-31).

What’s your reaction when Jesus passes by?

Corresponding Sermon: Phil Fulton 10/11/2020 PM

Amy Smalley



