Where It All Started

"Remember therefore how you have received and heard.." Rev. 3:3

Salvation is the most amazing gift God could have ever given mankind. What do you remember about the day you gave your heart to Jesus? What was the experience like? How did you feel physically, emotionally and spiritually? Here Jesus (through the Apostle John) here encourages us to remember how you received. Remember the Holy Spirit dealing with you, remember the fight for your soul you desiring to surrender that ol' Devil trying to keep you back. Remember talking that step and praying that prayer and saying in some regard "God I'm yours". Do you remember?

It is easy to get caught up the hassles of everyday life and add baggage into our relationship with Christ. Hurts and pains, questions and doubts, fears and failures sometimes cloud the simplicity of how it started. So go back to the beginning. Fall on your face and refresh your walk with Him the same you did in the beginning. Psalm 51 records Davids journey back to where it all started. His words "Purge me and I'll be clean, wash me and I'll be white as snow" and " Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me." Tell us he wanted to go to that place where there were no obstructions between him and the Father.

There is a comforting feeling when you go back to where it all started. It was so simple, heartfelt and satisfying, It was just you and Jesus. Don't loose that!!

Bud Brabson



