Two-Thirds of God is Go

Exodus 14:15 KJV
And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward:

Sometimes, God tells us to stand still and watch Him move. Other times he tells us to go. For the children of Israel, it was time that they go. God had freed them from the Egyptians. All they needed to do was go forward to experience their freedom.

How often does God set us free, but we remain in our bondage from our refusal to go forward. Stagnant water is unhealthy, and so are stagnant Christians. Keep moving forward in the calling that God has placed in your life or in the freedom God has provided to you.

When you do, you will receive riches untold just as the Israelites did when they entered the land of milk and honey.

Corresponding Sermon: Brian Fulton 3/13/22 AM

Amy Smalley



