Fresh Fire

"The fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it; it shall not go out. The priest shall burn wood on it every morning, and he shall arrange the burnt offering on it and shall burn on it the fat of the peace offerings." Leviticus 6:12

The fire of God should never go out. We must keep it burning. The fuel for this fire is the Word of God and Effectual Fervent Prayer. A man who neglects these two essentials will not have a fire in him for long. I see people struggling in their walk with the Lord my first questions to them are always, "are you in the Word and maintaining a prayer life". Inevitably I get answers like "not like I should be" or "I just cannot find time". Truth is I have never had someone who consistently prays and studies the word of God come to doubting if they can make it through the circumstances they face. Why? Because they are keeping the fire burning. Even if a good fire gets low there are still enough embers in the coals to ignite. Keep some kindling handy. There is some great passages of scripture that can set your heart on fire if you get into them.

Notice in this verse every day the fire needed tended. If not the fire would go out. First you have to clean out the ashes. Ashes are what is left from what you needed yesterday. You cannot keep a fire going with what you needed yesterday. You need some new wood today and everyday. Those ashes are valuable for other uses but you need a fresh bed of coals to keep you burning today. Another way the fire was tended is fuel was laid up in advance. To many people are searching through the woods for something that will burn for them only when they need it. A man preparing to keep a fire has wood (prayer and word) laid up for immediate use. They don't have to find it, they know where it is at and it is ready to use as it is needed.

If you will do these things your fire will never go out. It will be fresh, warm and consistent every day. Is your fire burning like it should be?

Bud Brabson



