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“And God remembered Noah....” Gen 8:1

Have you ever felt like you were abandoned by God? Stranded in the middle of nowhere, wondering where is God in all of this? I'm sure after 40 days of being tossed around by torrential waters, somewhere in the next five months of floating aimlessly Noah may have thought, "Lord, I did what you said but this floating barn is starting to stink, when are you going to get me out of this place?" When you are wondering where God is just remember, like Noah, if he had not put us where we are we would have perished.

Isolation is the real test of faith. Who are you when you are alone? It is easy to stand when others stand, it is easy to stand when you feel the unction of the Holy Ghost. But what you really believe comes out in isolation. You can know God has not forgotten you. When it’s just you in the darkness like Noah, or you and the sheep like David, or you and the lions like Daniel.. God is giving you the strength to make it through. Look, there are  little signs that he is working all around you. Know that the flood waters are receding by what the dove (Holy Spirit) shows you. God is happening all around you, you can’t see it, but the Dove brings the witness until the door is opened. ...

Bud Brabson



