
Song of Solomon 7:10 KJV
I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me.

Song of Solomon is the book of marriage, but it is also allegory for our relationship with Christ. Once we have accepted Christ into our heart, we can be reassured, we ARE His! We should also view Him as our Beloved. If Christ isn’t the thing we love most, we have our priorities wrong.

We are lucky given the history and complexity of the English language that we can change the intensity and depth of meaning by the words we choose. Both the KJV and ESV chose the English word “desire” for this verse. God’s desire is toward us! He wants us fervently! It’s not just a mild liking. God’s love for us is strong, like the love of a groom for his bride.

Just as husband and wife must keep the love and desire between them to keep their marriage strong, we must do the same in our relationship with Christ. We need to spend time with God daily or the fire in our relationship will dwindle to a flicker rather than a flame.

Stoke the fire and increase the flame in your relationship with Christ!

Amy Smalley



