God Still Walks Among The Pieces

"Genesis 15:17 describes a symbolic act: 'When the sun had gone down and it was dark, behold, a smoking fire pot and a flaming torch passed between these pieces.' This imagery of fire passing through broken fragments speaks to the profound act of sacrifice and its relationship to God's covenant.

Sacrifice, in its essence, involves relinquishing something valuable – be it material possessions, cherished dreams, or even a part of ourselves – for a greater purpose. This resonates with the challenges we face in life. Our carefully constructed plans, our cherished relationships, our health, our careers – all these can feel like carefully assembled structures that suddenly crumble.

Nothing ever falls apart when it is convenient. But amidst this brokenness, a profound truth emerges: Anything that falls apart is not your promise, it is your sacrifice. These fragments, these shattered pieces of our lives, become offerings on the altar of faith.

God is not asking us to get our life together before we lay the pieces before him. He invites us, in our brokenness, to lay our pieces before Him – our disappointments, our fears, our shattered dreams. He says, 'Bring me your brokenness, and watch me walk among the pieces.'

This is not about magically fixing everything. It's about experiencing God's presence in the midst of the brokenness, about discovering that even in the ashes, His promises remain true. He will pass between the pieces, not to consume them, but to use them to reveal his promises are true. He will bring new life amidst the ashes or our impossibilities, and to lead us towards a deeper understanding of His grace."

Bud Brabson



