Hiding From The Light?

When you read a Shark vacuum cleaner’s owner’s manual, it will tell you to make sure the area you are vacuuming is well lit. Why? Because if the area isn’t well lit, you’ll miss some dirt and debris.

Our lives are similar, if we don’t have the light of Jesus guiding our way, dirt and debris can accumulate in our lives.

Those of us who are saved should be living a clean life through the power and help of the Holy Spirit. When we live that clean life, the light of Jesus shines through us and reveals those who are still in darkness. The contrast of their sin is more dramatic next to the light. That revealing process can lead to anger and resentment, which is why persecution comes.
We have to be ready as believers for persecution - of whatever degree and form we may face, because Jesus promised it will come (Luke 21:17). We have to be ready to give an account of our faith (1 Peter 3:15). And no matter what comes our way, we must run all the way to the finish line (1 Cor. 9:24).

Is there something you’re hiding from the light? Do you have a sin that needs forgiven? Oppression you’re fighting alone? Are you lost without God?

Come to the light, and Jesus can strip away the darkness.

Corresponding Sermon: Bud Brabson 1/31/21 AM

Recommended Reading: Hiding in the Light by Rifqa Bary

Amy Smalley



