God’s Interested in You

Numbers 7:78 KJV
On the twelfth day Ahira the son of Enan, prince of the children of Naphtali, offered :

I’ll be really honest, Numbers chapter 7 isn’t exactly a riveting read. It’s VERY repetitive. There are twelve verses like the one above except the name, the father’s name, and the tribe changes 12 times. The verses that follow each one are identical. They tell us that the person brings:

• Silver dishes
• Flour mixed with oil
• A gold dish
• Incense
• A young bill
• A ram
• A lamb (of the first year)
• A young goat
• 2 oxen
• 5 more rams
• 5 more goats
• 5 more lambs (of the first year)

If I was editing God’s paper, I would have told Him that He used to many words, and we could have just used verses 84-88, which summarizes all the offerings given as a whole. So why does God record the exact same offering brought to Him in detail by the 12 different men? Because He cares about what His children do.

Let’s look at it from our lives today: When we come to get saved, we don’t do anything particularly special. We bow ourselves (literally or figuratively) to Jesus and ask Him to cover our sins and forgive us of our trespasses. We all do the same thing, the same process, sometimes we even say the same words as others who received salvation before us.

Now, I doubt anyone reading this feels receiving salvation is insignificant, but what about a love offering someone gave to a traveling minister? What about a when you were obedient to God’s direction to text an old friend? What about when you prayed for a person who crossed your mind? These things seem much more insignificant, but God still genuinely cares about each thing. Anytime we’re obedient (even in the smallest matter) God notices and is pleased.

Something that may seem repetitive and insignificant to us is extremely valuable to Him. So next time you read a genealogy or a repetitive listing in scripture, remember God is just as interested in everything you do and where you came from as He was the Children of Israel in the past. What has God been documenting about your life?

Union Hill Church



