
2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Taking something old and making it like new again is a process. It requires time, effort, money, and a lot of sweat. As humans, we restore things: cars, furniture, houses, etc. But only God can restore humanity.

When we accept Jesus as our savior he begins a work within us. Some parts of the process are noticeable instantly. We might look different on the outside or our behaviors may have changed, but the most costly and strenuous effort takes place on the inside.

Our thoughts, attitudes, dispositions are the hardest and most important items that have to be changed. The Holy Spirit works diligently inside of us in this process but it doesn’t happen quickly. He works on us all the way to the finish line. The work never stops.

Just as the participants in a car show bust out the spritzer and rag to ensure their car looks perfect, the Holy Spirit keeps working on us up to the last minute (Philippians 1:6). Only when we cross over into glory land is the work over.

Corresponding Sermon: Brian Fulton 8/21/22 AM

Amy Smalley



